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About Pam Johnson-Bennett | BIO

about pam johnson-bennett

Best-Selling Author and Cat Behavior Expert

Pam Johnson-Bennett, CCBC, is the best-selling author of 8 books on cat behavior. She is considered a pioneer in the field of cat behavior consulting and her books have been used as textbooks for behavior courses. Her book, Think Like a Cat, has long been referred to as the cat bible by behavior professionals, veterinarians, shelters, and cat parents around the world. Her book, CatWise, contains in-depth answers to the most-asked cat behavior questions and is used by many shelters for their behavior programs and phone hotlines. Cat vs Cat, was the first book of its kind to deal with the unique challenges of living with more than one cat.

Pam began her career in 1982, by doing in-home consultations, which paved the way for better understanding of cat behavior and training and opened the door for future behavior professionals.

She starred in the Animal Planet UK series Psycho Kitty and has been a guest expert on numerous national television and radio shows for over four decades. She is the cat behavior expert and spokesperson for Arm & Hammer Cat litter’s Feline Generous program. Their campaigns raise awareness of shelter cats who are overlooked due to age, appearance, medical issues, or behavior. Pam is an IAABC-certified cat behavior consultant (retired) and was vice president of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. She founded their Cat Division, where she served as Chair for many years. She has served on numerous advisory boards, including the American Humane Association, and was an award-winning columnist for many online and print magazines, including Yahoo, Cats magazine, Kittens magazine, Cat Fancy online, and ivillage. She has been profiled in several national publications and is the recipient of many awards, including the Winn Feline Foundation Media award, Cat Fancy Hall of Fame award, International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants award, and multiple Cat Writer’s Association awards.

Pam has done numerous national media tours and was the national spokesperson for the Ultimate Cat Habitat, sponsored by Friskies. The national tour was the first to focus on environmental enrichment for cats. Pam hosted the tour and worked with the famous Friskies cats on TV and live on stage. Pam was also the spokesperson for Friskies national shelter grant program and the unveiling of the first cageless cat shelter in the United States. She served as the behavior expert for Friskies and wrote a weekly column for many years.

Pam Johnson-Bennett star of Psycho Kitty on Animal Planet

Pam’s ground-breaking Think Like a Cat approach to cat behavior has been featured and profiled worldwide through the years. To the cat behavior professionals in the field today, Pam Johnson-Bennett has been a mentor and leader since she first paved the way in the early 1980s. Much of the information you read on the websites of shelters, animal welfare organizations and behavior experts as well as what you see on cat-related TV shows came from Pam’s books, articles and lectures. You can easily see her influence in the current books on cat behavior today. Pam’s Think Like a Cat method has improved the lives of thousands of cats through her work with clients, shelters, her books, worldwide lectures and media appearances.

Pam owns Cat Behavior Associates, LLC, in Nashville, TN. For questions regarding booking Pam for a media appearance, book signing or lecture, visit our contact page. Pam has retired from doing private consultations.

quote from dr. haug




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