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Cat Myth: Cats Steal the Breath From Babies


No, cats are not baby killers. They don’t steal anyone’s breath and they’re not plotting to injure your sleeping infant. This myth probably started because some cats enjoyed curling up next to the warmth of babies. A cat may even have sniffed the baby’s mouth due to the scent of milk on the breath and that act probably set off alarm bells in the minds of panicked parents. This myth has no basis in reality and cats DO NOT have the supernatural ability to steal breath from an infant. It’s sad that even today, there are people who still below in this superstition.

Where this myth began is something no one knows for sure. It could be a combination of the reputation cats have had of being mysterious, or it could be the due to the many superstitions unjustly attached to cats for centuries. What we now know of as SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) may have been blamed on cats before medical evidence identified the true risk factors for this tragic event. For accurate information on SIDS, here’s a link on the subject from the Mayo Clinic.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Use Common Sense

Because infants can’t turn to get away from objects, it’s not safe to have ANYTHING in the crib or bassinet with the baby and that includes a blanket, toy, or stuffed animal. So for safety, keep your cat out of the crib but certainly allow your cat to enjoy being close to your baby at other times. It’s also important to ensure your baby is placed on their back to ensure easier breathing. A baby placed on their stomach or side has a higher risk of the airway being blocked. According to the Mayo Clinic, babies are at higher risk as well if they sleep in bed with the parents.

Keeping Your Cat out of the Crib

There are crib tents available that make it easy to keep the cat out of the crib. Choose one that has a structured top and sides so it doesn’t collapse into a hammock.

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The crib tent is a great option to use when you first set up the nursery before the baby even arrives. It prevents the cat from ever being able to get in there. Set up the tent and keep it closed from day one.

You can also keep the cat out of the crib ensuring the door to the nursery is always closed. Not everyone has a separate nursery though, some parents have the crib set up in their own room. In that case, the crib tent is the best option, unless the cat is kept out of the parents’ room by a closed door.

Use a Video Baby Monitor

Most parents use these now instead of just the audio ones. In addition to keeping track of whether the baby is asleep or awake, it also helps in case you left the door ajar and the cat got into the room, or you forgot to zip up the crib tent.

Don’t Punish the Cat

If your cat is curious and wants to get close to the baby, don’t punish or scare the kitty. If you want the two to develop a good relationship, it’s important to help your cat become comfortable about the newest family member — just do the introductions and training sessions in a safe, supervised way. This not only applies to cats, but also to any dogs you have in the family as well.

Need More Information?

For more information on cat behavior and training, refer to the best-selling books by Pam Johnson-Bennett. Pam’s books are available at bookstores and online. We’ve included links to Amazon here on our website.

three books by author Pam Johnson-Bennett and a quote from Beth Stern


If you have a question regarding your cat’s health, please contact your veterinarian. This article is not intended as a replacement for your cat’s veterinary care.

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