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Cats Can Be Trained


If you’re going through a behavior issue with your cat or if you’re on the threshold of becoming a brand new cat parent it’s important to learn about behavior, training, and health. If you have a kitten, socialize him right from the very beginning. Puppy socialization classes have long been popular but did you know there are kitten kindergarten classes available as well? Kitten kindergarten sessions are typically conducted at veterinary clinics and humane shelters. Contact your veterinarian to find out if there’s a class in your area. At the very least, take the time to help your new kitten become comfortable so he’ll grow into a well-adjusted adult cat

Take time to socialize and train your cat and help him get comfortable with being around people, being handled, traveling in his carrier, noises and other experiences that are a part of daily life. All-too-often, people get cats because they claim they don’t have time for a higher maintenance pet such as a dog, and then they wind up dissatisfied with the cat because he doesn’t bond with them, doesn’t behave as expected or he doesn’t interact with family members.

Your relationship with your cat requires YOUR participation. This is a relationship! The more you invest in training him, socializing him and learning about what he truly needs (nutritionally, medically, physically, and emotionally), the better the chance of having the relationship you’ve always wanted.



If you’re experiencing a behavior problem with your cat, don’t give up on him, punish him or resign yourself to living with things the way they are. The key is to find the underlying cause of the problem and then create a better option for the cat. If you’re stuck on the notion that kitty is behaving badly because he’s spiteful, stupid or mean, then you’ll never correct the problem. You have to look at the situation from the cat’s point of view. The clues are all around you. You just have to put the pieces together. Even if a behavior doesn’t make sense to you, it always makes sense to the cat. Behaviors, even if you don’t like them, serve a function in your cat’s world. Your job is to figure out why the cat feels the need to display a particular behavior so you can make necessary adjustments. If you’ve read enough articles on this site then you know you need to use a “think like a cat” approach in order to uncover what your cat is truly communicating by his behavior and how you can train him using positive techniques.

Cats have been viewed as untrainable for far too long. Whether you’re just starting out or whether you and kitty have been longtime companions, take the time to understand cat behavior and train consistently and humanely. If you’re a first-time cat parent, start your cat off right by learning  what makes your newest family member tick. If you’re a seasoned cat parent who has been dealing with a long-term cat behavior issue, stop wasting time and help your cat get back to a happy life. Behavior problems cause stress to everyone in the family — most especially the cat.

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Need More Information?

For information on cat behavior and training, check out the best-selling books by Pam Johnson-Bennett. Pam’s books are available at bookstores and online. We’ve included Amazon links here on our website.

If you have a question regarding your cat’s health, please contact your veterinarian. This article is not intended as a replacement for your cat’s veterinary care.



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