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Does My Cat Drink Enough Water?

Adequate water intake is important to the health of your cat. It’s vital that you monitor your cat’s water intake so that you’ll be alerted to any potential medical problems.  A change in water consumption (either an increase or decrease) could indicate an underlying medical problem and the sooner you’re aware of a change in your cat’s habits, the better the chances of successful medical intervention.

Provide fresh water

Step #1 in ensuring kitty drinks an adequate amount of water is to make sure what is available is clean and fresh. Water that sits around in the bowl for days can taste stale and can become contaminated. Wash the water bowl every day to prevent the build-up of biofilm, and make sure all traces of dish soap are thoroughly removed. Detergent residue can burn the cat’s tongue. If your cat has a negative experience at the water bowl he may be reluctant to return there. When you fill the bowl with fresh water, refill to the same level each time. This will help you monitor how much water is being consumed each day (harder to do in a multicat environment though).

Cats who eat wet food may drink less water than cats on an all-dry diet because they’re getting more water through their food. Canned food contains approximately 70% water whereas dry food contains approximately 10%.

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Type of Water

Tap water contains minerals that can change the taste as well and may contribute to urinary issues. Use spring or filtered water.

Water bowls

Many cats prefer not to have their water source located close to the food source. The smell of food close to the water can deter some cats from drinking. Many cats prefer not to smell leftover food in-between meals. If you use a double feeder bowl that has food on one side and water on the other, it can be one reason why your cat might not be drinking enough water. Another downside to the double feeder is that food particles can fall in the water and cause contamination and give the water a bad taste.

If your cat shares their his home with a large dog, he may not enjoy sharing one large water bowl with the canine companion. Provide a second water bowl for your cat that’s a more appropriate side and locate it in an area that the dog can’t access – such as on an elevated location. This will offer your cat a choice.

Gravity-feed water dispensers are certainly convenient, especially if you leave your cat alone for longer periods but keep in mind the water in there can become contaminated and stale. Wash the dispenser and the reservoir daily.



Water fun

If you have a cat who is fascinated by the faucet and has actually trained you to turn the water on so he can play with the drops that fall from the spout, this may be a sign that he needs more environmental enrichment. If the water droplets are the only things to play with, then it’s time to increase the fun factor in your cat’s life. Use puzzle feeders and other activity puzzles for the times you aren’t home and also schedule a couple of interactive play sessions on a daily basis.

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There are several pet water fountains that will entertain cats who enjoy playing with water. This can also provide your cat with a convenient opportunity to drink more water during playtime. The constant circulation of water keeps it oxygenated and as a result, it has more taste appeal. Some cats will only drink from running faucets and some cat parents have gotten into the habit of letting the faucet drip constantly. A better alternative is to purchase a pet water fountain. This way, you can set the fountain up in a convenient location and your cat won’t have to hang out on the kitchen or bathroom counter when he wants to engage in water play. There are several types of fountains that provide different flow options such as a trickling fountain, waterfall, and even bubbling water. Take your cat’s preferences into consideration when shopping. Many of the fountains have a flow regulator as well so you can decrease or increase the flow rate.

Sensor Water Faucets

If you have a cat who will only drink from the faucet, there are touchless, motion sensor faucets available.  A few companies make them especially with cats in mind. Encouraging your cat to be on the counter though is not necessarily a good idea, but if you don’t mind him being up there, the sensor faucet is an option. If the cat develops mobility issues, getting on the counter will be difficult unless you provide a way for him to easily climb up there.

Important reminder: If you think your cat’s water intake has changed, have him checked out by the veterinarian. There could be an underlying medical cause.

Need More Information?

For more information on cat behavior and training, refer to the best-selling books by Pam Johnson-Bennett. Pam’s books are available at bookstores and online. We’ve included Amazon links here on our website.

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 If you have a question regarding your cat’s health, please contact your veterinarian. This article is not intended as a replacement for your cat’s veterinary care. This article is for information purposes only and not offering medical advice or providing a medical diagnosis.


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