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How Much Litter Should You Put in the Litter Box?


You can get the best litter money can buy but if you put too much or too little in the box, it may create problems for your cat.

Too Much Litter

If you use too much litter it’ll end up getting kicked out over the box and you’ll end up with it getting tracked everywhere. Even if you have a covered litter box, if there’s just too much litter in there it’ll easily find its way onto your floor or carpet.

Using too much litter is also very wasteful because you’ll still have to completely empty the litter and scrub out the box on a regular basis and the box will be more difficult to lift. Too much litter can also make it unpleasant for your cat because there may not be a level surface, making it more uncomfortable when squatting for elimination. It may be more like trying to walk on sand dunes. With an uncovered box, too much litter increases the chances of over-spray because the cat may be squatting too high up on top of a litter box mountain. Filling the box with too much litter isn’t the easy way to get out of scooping or cleaning the litter.

Not Enough Litter

Not using enough litter is a litter box aversion problem just waiting to happen. An inadequate level of litter will create an odor problem as urine will have no place to be absorbed and will sit on the bottom of the litter box. If the box smells dirty, it will be far less inviting for your cat to want to go there to eliminate.




It’s a natural behavior for a cat to dig in a substrate, eliminate and then cover the waste with more of the litter. This is a survival instinct even the most pampered indoor cat retains. If there isn’t enough litter, the cat will have a difficult time finding a clean spot in the box and will be reluctant to attempt to cover. The last thing you want to do is create a stressful environment for the cat in the litter box. Don’t give your cat a reason to use your living room carpet instead.

How Much Litter to Use

A general guideline is to spread about a three-inch layer of litter in the box. This gives your cat enough litter for digging and adequate covering afterward. Every cat is an individual so pay attention to your cat’s litter box habits to see whether you need to adjust that level up or down.

If you have more than one cat, don’t try to get by with one litter box simply by filling it with more litter. What you need is to increase the number of boxes. The general rule of thumb is that the litter boxes should outnumber your cats by at least one.

Maintain a Consistent Litter Level

As you do your daily scooping of the litter box, you’ll have to periodically top off the box with some fresh litter to keep the level consistent.

Keep the Litter Box Clean

Scoop at least twice a day in order to keep the litter box as appealing as possible to your cat, and then toss out the litter and thoroughly scrub the box on a regular basis. If you’re using scoopable litter you should scrub the box at least monthly. If you’re using traditional, non-scoopable clay litter then the box needs to be cleaned at least weekly. If you can smell the litter box then it’s overdue for a cleaning.

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Need More Information?

For more information on how to set up the ideal litter box, or how to address litter box issues, check out the best-selling books by Pam Johnson-Bennett. You can find Pam’s books in bookstores everywhere and also online. For your convenience, we’ve included Amazon associate links here on our website.

If you have a question regarding your cat’s behavior or health, please contact your veterinarian. This article is not intended as a replacement for your cat’s veterinary care. This article is for information purposes only and not offering medical advice or providing a medical diagnosis.








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