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Protect Your Garden From Outdoor Cats

Even if you keep your cat safely indoors, your neighbors may not and as a result, you might be dealing with a few cats viewing your lovely garden as an outdoor litter box pit stop. This is a problem because there are potential health concerns, destruction to your plants and the added potential behavioral problem of having your indoor cat upset at the sight of an outdoor cat in his yard so up close and personal.

From the outdoor cat’s point of view, your garden can be a very inviting litter box alternative. The loose soil makes it easy for the cat to dig and cover and tall plants or shrubs provide some camouflage. So, you really can’t blame the neighborhood cats for choosing such an ideal location but still, it’s not the place you want them leaving their waste. Here are some tips for keeping cats out of your garden:

Garden Netting

Place the netting under a light layer of soil or mulch so it’ll be uncomfortable for outdoor cats to effectively dig in the garden. You can cut the netting to fit around plants. Garden netting can be found at your local home improvement store, garden centers, and online.

Decorative Stones

Strategically place smooth stones over the soil to deter cats. This way, cats can’t access the soil for digging.

Space Shrubs Strategically

Position shrubs closer together so there’s less room for cats to dig and comfortably eliminate.

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Motion-Activated Water Sprinklers

These can be very effective for keeping unwanted animals out of your yard. Just be careful about where you position them so they aren’t directed at someone walking in the driveway or on the sidewalk. If you have your own outdoor pets you’ll also have to make sure the sprinklers are positioned away from areas where they walk.




Two odor deterrents people have used, mothballs and citronella, are NOT ones I would recommend because both are toxic to cats. You want to deter the neighborhood cats and not harm them in any way.

Talk With Your Neighbor

If the same cat keeps coming around and you know where they belong, there’s a chance you could have a pleasant conversation with the cat parent to try to come up with an agreeable solution. Perhaps the person isn’t aware of the damage being caused by the cat.

Cat-Proof Fencing

Consider adding cat-proof fencing. Do an online search and you’ll find several types. You can even find instructions for creating your own.

Protect Yourself When Gardening

If you suspect cats have been eliminating in your garden, be sure to always wear gardening gloves and wash them regularly. Additionally, wash your hands every time you come in from gardening, especially before petting your own cat.

Need More Information?

For more information on cat behavior and training, refer to the best-selling books by Pam Johnson-Bennett. Pam’s books have been called “cat bibles” by veterinarians, cat behavior experts, and cat parents worldwide. Pam’s books are available at bookstores and online. We’ve included Amazon links here on our website.


 If you have a question about your cat’s health, contact your veterinarian. This article is not intended as a medical diagnosis nor is it a replacement for your cat’s regular veterinary care. This article is for general information purposes only.



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