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Why Cats Spray

Even though you may not be able to see it, if your cat sprays in your home you can definitely smell it. The unmistakable odor indicates all is not peaceful in your cat’s universe. When a cat sprays, it can put everyone in crisis mode and it can put the cat at risk of being relinquished to the shelter, given away or sadly, even euthanized. Many people don’t understand why cats spray so they don’t understand how to effectively deal with it.

Many people misunderstand the motivation behind spray-marking behavior. All-too-often, cat parents simply label the behavior as territorial marking but that isn’t the only reason cats spray. Unless you can uncover the true cause for the behavior, you won’t have much success in stopping it. So it’s time to sharpen your detective skills and do some undercover work.

Note: whenever you’re dealing with any behavior that involves a cat not using the litter box, it’s crucial you have him examined by the veterinarian. Even if you’re sure the problem is behavioral, it’s important to rule out underlying medical causes.

Spraying vs. Normal Urination

To start with, you need to know that there’s a difference between spraying and normal urination. If a cat urinates outside of the litter box it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s spraying. These are two different behaviors and can have different causes. Typical urination is usually done on horizontal surfaces. Spray-marking is usually done up against vertical objects but some cats will spray regardless of whether there is a vertical surface present. In this case, the sprayed urine will form a thin line as opposed to the typical puddle during urination.



The posture for spraying is different from normal urination. When a cat sprays he typically backs up to the object, twitches his tail and begins treading with his front paws. He may also close his eyes while spraying. When a cat (male or female) displays normal urination, he usually squats.

When a cat urinates there may be an underlying medical cause or the conditions in the litter box may be unappealing. Even if the box is kept clean there may be something about the set-up that’s not appealing. There could also be something going on in the environment causing stress to the cat or making him feel as if it’s not safe to use the litter box.

Communication is Why Cats Spray

When a cat sprays, it’s a form of communication. Surprising to many people, both male and female cats can spray. I’ve seen so many cases where cat parents completely overlooked the female cat and were convinced (incorrectly) it was the male doing the spraying. The pheromones in urine spray reveal lots of information about the sprayer. It’s the feline version of a resume. Spraying should be viewed as an outward sign that a cat is communicating something. It shouldn’t be viewed as a bad or spiteful behavior. Even though we certainly don’t like the idea of a cat spraying inside our home, it’s important to remember that it’s a normal reaction to particular situation in the feline world.



Some common reasons cats spray:

Confident and non-confident cats spray. A confident cat may spray as a grand display of his victory after a confrontation with another cat. A less-than confident cat might spray-mark as a form of covert aggression. It’s a way of giving a warning without actually having to risk a physical altercation.

The sprayed urine reveals information such as age, sex, sexual availability, and status. These are important facts when it comes to cat-to-cat communication, especially in an outdoor environment where close encounters could result in injury or death.

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Not all cats spray and if you gradually ease your cat through changes in his life such as the introduction of a new spouse or significant other, new pet, new baby, new house, etc., you’ll greatly reduce the chances that he’ll feel the need to spray. And of course, if you have an intact male cat you stand a 100% chance of spray-marking behavior so it’s a very wise idea to have him neutered. If your intact male is currently displaying spray-marking behavior, having him neutered will, in almost all cases, stop the spraying behavior.

Managing a Sprayer

If you have a multicat household, the first step is to identify the sprayer. Unless you’ve actually witnessed the cat spray-marking, the most reliable form of CSI is by using  video surveillance. There are many home security cameras available these days that connect with your smartphone. If you don’t already have one, purchase a couple and set them up in targeted areas of your home. This way, you’ll not only see which cat did the spraying but also what may have triggered it.

The targeted areas need to be addressed:

If your cat has targeted one or two areas repeatedly, place litter boxes there that have high sides (but not covered boxes) because the cat may be satisfied with spraying inside the litter box. You can use a plastic storage container (Sterilite makes great ones) and just cut a low opening on one side.

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If the spraying is due to the appearance of an outdoor cat, you’ll need to block viewing access. Cover the bottom on the windows with opaque window paper that will allow the light to come in but blur your cat’s view of any feline interlopers. If the reason cats are coming into your yard is because you’ve set up bird feeders, you’ll have to take them away or reposition them (if possible) so they aren’t such an appealing target. If you know who owns the feline intruder, perhaps you can have a tactful discussion about the situation.  If the appearance of outdoor cats is a real problem in your yard, you may have to consider fencing. There are companies that make cat-proof fencing. Many of my clients have also had success with motion-activated sprinklers.

Speaking of outdoors, if you allow your cat outside, that may be contributing to the spraying behavior. While some indoor/outdoor cats may restrict their marking to the outdoors, your cat may feel threatened by unfamiliar scents he encounters and might bring his spraying behavior inside as well.

Here are some additional guidelines for helping a sprayer:

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Spraying Behavior is Complex

This article is just meant to provide a general road map for you. Your cat’s situation is unique so take time to carefully evaluate your cat’s environment and his behavior. The spraying behavior is a normal communication tool (yes, I understand it’s not one humans like very much) but with time and a solid game plan, you’ll hopefully be able to find a solution that works for both the cat and the human family members.

Seeking Professional Help

If you’re not having success with behavior modification, talk with your veterinarian. You may need a referral to a certified behavior expert.  If your cat is put on medication by your veterinarian or veterinary behaviorist, keep in mind this is to be an adjunct to behavior modification.

Your veterinarian may also refer you to a veterinary behaviorist, certified applied animal behaviorist or a certified cat behavior consultant. A qualified professional can help in pinpointing the cause of the behavior and set up a customized behavior modification plan.

Need More Information?

For step-by-step information on dealing with a cat who sprays, refer to the revised and updated edition of Cat vs Cat, Pam’s best-selling book on managing multicat households. This book, along with Pam’s other best-selling books are available at bookstores and online. We’ve included Amazon links here on our website.

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Note: This article is not meant as a medical diagnosis. If your cat is displaying any type of litter box aversion or a change in behavior, contact your veterinarian because there could be an underlying medical cause. This article is not intended as a medical diagnosis nor is it a replacement for your cat’s regular veterinary care. This article is for general information purposes only.


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