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Why Does my Cat Drink From the Toilet?


Ok, this is definitely not a fun subject to discuss but if you have a cat who drinks out of the toilet, it’s something you want dealt with quickly and effectively. So why do some pets actually prefer drinking from the toilet instead of their own water bowls? For some, the cooler temperature of the water in the toilet vs the water in their bowl makes it more appealing. Water that has been sitting in a regular water bowl for hours or even days may not be as tasty at room temperature, or as fresh. I know you’re wrinkling up your nose at the idea of toilet water tasting better than water in the regular bowl but stay with me on this – we’re looking at things from an animal’s perspective.

Freshness Counts

Some animals may enjoy drinking from the toilet because the water in there actually tastes fresh. This is extremely hard for a human to believe but again, look at it from the animal’s point of view. The water in the regular water bowl may have been sitting there so long that it has begun to taste stale.


Rule out Medical Issues

If your cat drinks all the water in the water bowl and still seeks out the water in the toilet, there may be an underlying medical issue. Pay attention to whether you’ve also noticed an increase in urination. Have your cat checked by the veterinarian so medical causes such as diabetes or kidney disease can be ruled out.

The Fun Factor

Cats may also develop the habit of drinking from the toilet as a result of play behavior. If there aren’t other forms of stimulation and environmental enrichment, cats may develop an interest in watching the water swirl around whenever the toilet is flushed. That visual fascination may then lead to curiosity and they may dip a paw in the water. Some very smart cats have even learned to flush the toilet themselves.

If the best source of fun for the cat in your house is to hang out at the toilet, then it’s time to rethink whether you’ve dropped the ball when it comes to environmental enrichment.

three books by Pam Johnson-Bennett and a quote from AHA


Putting a Stop to the Behavior

So now you know why cats may drink out of the toilet. What can you do about it? We can start with common sense, for one. Make sure the toilet lid is always kept closed — even if you have to post a sign in the bathroom for other family members. Remove the temptation by making it impossible for the cat to gain access to the water in the toilet.

Next, make the water in the cat’s regular bowl more appealing by changing it daily. You can also set up a pet water fountain that will keep the water oxygenated so it’ll taste fresher longer. The pet water fountain can also help if your cat was originally interested in the toilet water as a play behavior. The cat can now play with the very clean water flowing from the pet water fountain.

When you change the water in the bowl daily, always wash the bowl out. Cat hair, food debris and dirt can easily cling onto the sides of the bowl. Wash it daily to prevent the buildup of biofilm.  If you want to make the water as appealing as possible you can’t overlook maintaining a clean bowl.

Increase environmental enrichment so your cat has other activities. Engage in daily interactive play sessions, set out puzzle feeders and provide more stimulation so the toilet loses its fascination.

Need More Information?

For more specifics on increasing environmental enrichment or correcting unwanted behavior in cats, refer to the best-selling books by Pam Johnson-Bennett. Pam’s books are available at bookstores and online. We’ve included Amazon links here on our website.

buy pam's books here


If you have a question regarding your cat’s health, please contact your veterinarian. This article is not intended as a replacement for your cat’s veterinary care.








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