Cats are Individuals
Some cats prefer not to scratch on vertical objects. These are the cats who scratch on welcome mats, carpets, throw rugs, even sofa cushions. You may have a cat who exclusively scratches horizontally or maybe they enjoy the option of being able to engage in both horizontal and vertical scratching.
If you bought or built a sturdy vertical scratching post that’s covered in a very appealing material (such as sisal) and kitty ignores it, you might have a horizontal scratcher on your hands.

Photo: Pam Johnson-Bennett
Think Horizontally When Shopping
The easiest way to provide a horizontal scratching surface for your cat is to purchase a corrugated cardboard scratch pad. These pads are readily available at your local pet product store and online. They come in various widths so you can easily find one to fit any location in your home. The cardboard scratching pads are usually treated with catnip as well for added enticement.
There are even scratching pads designed on an incline for the cats who like to engage in a little horizontal and vertical scratching at the same time.
You can also find horizontal scratch pads covered in sisal. So if you know your cat has a preference, check your local pet product store or online for a scratch pad that will meet kitty’s needs.
Where to Place the Horizontal Pads
Just as with vertical posts, place the horizontal pads in the locations where your cat is currently scratching. In a multicat household, get enough scratch pads so you can scatter them around the house in socially significant areas. Even though you can’t assign a scratch pad to a specific cat, the more choice you offer, the better.

Photo: Pam Johnson-Bennett
Need More Information?
For more information on cat behavior and training, refer to the best-selling books by Pam Johnson-Bennett. Pam’s books are available at bookstores and also online. We’ve included links to Amazon here on our website.