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Choosing the Right Carrier Size for Your Cat


When shopping for a carrier for your cat, you may be tempted to think bigger is better. You might feel it would be far more comfortable for your cat to be able to stretch out during travel.

Larger Isn’t Necessarily Better When it Comes to Cat Carriers

Actually, it’s not a comforting feeling for your cat to be placed in a carrier that’s too large. Cats prefer to feel their backs up against something and that creates a feeling of security. When you look at  frightened cats in a shelter or veterinary clinic cage, they’ll be in a corner with their backs against the wall. There’s security in knowing at least no one can ambush them from behind. That same feeling helps when in the carrier. The fact they can easily feel their back against one or two of the carrier sides provides some relief.

When the carrier is too big, it’s uncomfortable when being carried because the cat will end up sliding from one side to the other. It’s also extremely awkward for you to balance the carrier that’s too big. Have you ever tried to balance a large carrier when there’s about 12 pounds of cat sloshing around from one side to the other? It’s not good for the cat and it’s definitely not good for the health of your back!

Two Cats in One Carrier? Not a Good Idea

If you have a couple of cats and you’re planning to buy one big carrier so they can be together, it would be a better idea to buy two carriers that will ideally fit one cat in each one. First of all, there may be times when you’re only bringing one cat with you (for example, if only one cat needs to visit the veterinarian) and being in that big carrier is awkward. Additionally, cats who are put in the carrier together could possibly show aggression toward each other if the travel becomes stressful. A trip to the veterinarian may result in a case of one cat showing aggression to the other on the ride back home.


Cat Carriers That are too Small

On the other hand, a carrier that was a good fit when your cat was a kitten may be too small if she has grown into a large adult. Being stuffed into a carrier that causes a cat to feel cramped will only add to whatever anxiety she may be feeling about having to travel in the first place.

What Cat Carrier Size is Best?

Generally, a carrier should be one and a half times the size of your cat. It should give your cat enough room to stand up and turn around. If you’re buying a carrier for a kitten, she’ll be growing pretty fast, so get a regular sized carrier that you think will be appropriate for when she reaches adult size. During those kitten months, you can line the carrier with a thick towel so she doesn’t go sliding all over the place while in transit.

Need More Information?

For more specifics on which carrier is best and how to help your cat get used to travel, refer to the books by Pam Johnson-Bennett. Pam’s books are available at bookstores and online. We’ve included links to Amazon here on our website.

buy pam's books here





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