Christmas is almost here and we’re busy shopping, planning, baking, wrapping presents, and getting ready to visit relatives and friends. When it comes to shopping, many of us also make sure our cats are included on the list.
Stroll through the pet product store or check out the online pet retail stores this time of year and you’ll find no shortage of gift ideas for your cat. Whether you’re looking for that special toy, an elaborate cat tree or a cozy new bed, you’ll be sure to find something to make your cat happy on Christmas morning.
Support Your Local Animal Shelter
Unfortunately though, there are countless cats in shelters who aren’t on any lists to receive Christmas presents. Christmas will be simply another day spent in a cage, waiting for a forever home, or tragically, waiting until their time limit at the shelter is up. So as you do your shopping this year, please remember the cats in shelters.
The most obvious and most needed gift the shelter can receive would be a monetary donation. Whether you’re standing at the cashier at the pet product store and are asked if you’d like to add $1 to your bill to help homeless pets, or whether you make a monetary donation directly to your local shelter, please consider donating something. It doesn’t have to be a large amount of money to make a difference in the life of an animal.
Most shelters and animal welfare organizations have wish lists so if you’d like to purchase something from that list, visit your shelter’s website. Items on wish lists can include anything from a washing machine to cleaning products and towels. You’ll surely find something on the wish list to fit your budget and every item will make a difference in helping the shelter continue to be able to work for the animals in need.

Photo: bayram-yalçın for pexels
Cat Sanctuaries
You may choose to make a financial donation or provide an item on a wish list for a cat sanctuary. There are a number of sanctuaries that offer cats a place to live out the rest of their lives. Whether the cat has an illness, injury, is in the geriatric years, or the cat parent has passed away, these sanctuaries offer the cats a peaceful and safe existence. Many sanctuaries have wish lists on their websites or have registered their needs on sites such as Amazon or Chewy. Some sanctuaries specialize and focus on providing care for cats with specifics issues such as blindness or FIV. Some sanctuaries are also in need of volunteers as well.
Cats on the Streets
Not every cat in-need is in a shelter. Many cats are left to fend for themselves outdoors. Whether it’s a cat who was once a part of the family and is now a lost stray or a community cat who has only known outdoor life, these kitties shouldn’t be forgotten. Cat rescuers and rescue organizations create safe outdoor shelters for community cats and spend time and money trying to humanely trap the cats for TNR. Funds are always needed to help with veterinary expenses, food, outdoor shelter purchases and construction, traps, and so much more. If you’d like to make a donation, contact your local feline rescue organization. You may also choose to make a donation toward a national organization.

Photo: Emre for Pexels
Veterinary Research, Studies and Grants for Cat Health and Welfare
Think about making a donation toward helping to fund research on disease and veterinary advancement. Wonderful organizations such as EveryCat Health Foundation provide grants for studies to improve feline health.
Donate your time to Cats
You may not be able to make a monetary donation but you can donate a little of your time. Volunteering at your local shelter can be a life-changing experience. Animals benefit from companionship, attention, and touch. Just being there to play with the cats or hold them can help reduce their stress. This socialization makes them more adoptable as they feel comfortable enough to show their personalities.
Shelters have limited space and sadly, there are far too many animals and not enough room. If you have the space in your home, consider fostering a cat or kitten. Some shelters try to offer the animals an opportunity to spend the holidays in a home and out of the shelter environment.
Donate Items
If you’d like to make a donation of food to the shelter, before you go out and purchase anything, contact the shelter and find out what brands and types of food they need or check their wish lists. Some shelters and rescue groups may be in need of kitten food or kitten milk replacer, or maybe your local shelter is short on canned adult food. Cat litter is also something always in need at shelters and feline rescue organizations. If you have extra pet supplies at home that are no longer needed, consider making a donation to your shelter. Items such as pet carriers, food bowls, etc. Anything washable can be used by the shelter.
Spread the Word
If you aren’t in a position to make a monetary donation, foster, or volunteer, you can spread the word through social media. Help shelters and rescue organizations reach more people.
Wishing you and your cats a very happy and safe holiday
If you have a question about your cat’s behavior, refer to the best-selling books by Pam Johnson-Bennett. Pam’s books are available at bookstores and online. We’ve included Amazon links here on our website.