When we think of the Thanksgiving holiday, we think of food, family, friends and celebration. Did I mention food?
This should be a time of feasts and fun, whether you are enjoying your holiday in a big or small way. One thing you don’t want to have to deal with on Thanksgiving is a trip to the pet emergency clinic so here are 12 simple tips for keeping your cat safe so everyone, including kitty, can enjoy the holiday.
1. Protect your cat’s tummy
You and your guests should enjoy all the holiday food but don’t feed any to your cat. Most holiday foods are too rich and fatty for cats. Stick to your cat’s regular diet because rich foods can cause gastrointestinal distress, including vomiting, diarrhea, and uncomfortable gas. You probably will have that one guest who can’t resist sneaking a little tidbit to your cat so it’s best to advise everyone in advance not to feed the cat no matter how cute and irresistible kitty may look.
2. Stuff the turkey and not the cat
Keep the turkey stuffing away from your cat. Stuffing often contains onions, garlic, raisins and spices. These are all toxic to cats. The aromas from atop the kitchen counter can be too hard for a cat to resist so be very mindful while you prepare and stuff the turkey.
3. Keep tabs on the front door
It’s easy for a cat to dart out the door when guests come and go. Make sure your cat has a collar with ID or is at the very least, is microchipped. If you have a cat who tends to door-dart, keep her in a separate room, away from the door. It’s also helpful to put a sign on the door so all guests know to watch when opening the door.

Photo: Pam Johnson-Bennett
4. No raw turkey for cats
Don’t feed raw or undercooked turkey to your cat because of the danger of salmonella bacteria. Thoroughly wash all cutting boards, prep areas and utensils that have come in contact with the raw turkey because your cat can easily sneak up on the counter and start licking contaminated areas.
5. Hazards of food wrappings
Any wrapping that contains the smell of food, such as aluminum foil, plastic wrap, waxed paper, strings used to tie turkey legs, or plastic cooking bags, can be very enticing for your cat but can also pose a serious choking hazard. Don’t leave these items on the counter or exposed in an open trash can. Dispose of wrappings immediately and don’t be tempted to toss a crumpled up aluminum foil ball as a toy for your cat.
6. Don’t leave the turkey carcass or other leftovers out
Cooked turkey bones can create an emergency if your cat chews or swallows them. Cooked poultry bones easily splinter and can get caught in the throat or esophagus. They can also cause intestinal blockage or perforation which can lead to infection. Turkey gristle also poses a choking hazard.
7. Keep your cat away from the trash
Make sure trash cans are either covered with a locking lid or stored in cabinets to prevent your cat from diving in there and gaining access to bones, gristle or other dangerous trash. If you have quite a few guests over and are celebrating throughout the day, take the time to empty the trash several times.
8. Chocolate is toxic to cats
Keep chocolate away from your cat. All chocolate is highly toxic and can even be fatal. The toxic ingredient is the caffeine-like theobromine and is present in all chocolate. Baker’s chocolate, dark chocolate, and semi-sweet are the most deadly if ingested by pets. After your guests leave, do a careful check around the area for any pieces of candy that may have dropped on the floor. Cats don’t typically have a sweet tooth but some cats do develop a taste for sweets if they’ve been offered enough by cat parents.
9. Provide a quiet place for your cat
While you may enjoy lots of company, it can be stressful and confusing to your cat. If she’s typically timid or you feel kitty may become too stressed, keep her away from the chaos by placing her in a room with some toys, litter box and a few hiding places. If your cat gets very stressed by the noise and chaos, play some soft classical or soothing music in the room to help buffer the noise and provide a soothing environment. For distraction, offer a couple of puzzle feeders for to keep your cat busy.

Photo: Pam Johnson-Bennett
10. Stress management for you and your cat
Thanksgiving can be stressful for everyone, including the cat. Take time to do some interactive play sessions. It can be easy to forget to do daily playtime with your cat, especially if you’re distracted by visiting family, but playtime is a huge help in relieving stress. It may also be helpful to you to take a few minutes to unwind by playing with your cat.
11. Keep your cat’s schedule as normal as possible
If you think you may forget, set a timer on your phone so you don’t miss a cat’s normal mealtime or medication schedule. If your cat is used to receiving lots of attention and you know you won’t be able to interact as much during the holiday, offer a puzzle feeder to keep your cat occupied.

Photo: Pam Johnson-Bennett
12. Home alone cat
If you’ll be traveling for Thanksgiving and plan on leaving your cat home, be sure to hire a professional pet sitter or have a very reliable friend check on your cat at least twice a day. Don’t leave your cat home alone. The other option is to reserve a spot at a boarding facility for your cat but in most cases, cats are much more comfortable staying in their own familiar environment. If you do arrange for a pet sitter or friend, make sure you also have a back-up plan in case of bad weather. Talk to a trusted neighbor who would be willing to come in and care for your cat if the pet sitter is unable to travel to your house.
Act Immediately in Case of an Emergency
If you suspect your cat has ingested something dangerous, contact your veterinarian or animal emergency clinic right away. You can also contact the ASPCA Poison Control Hotline at 888-426-4435. What’s most important is that you act immediately.
Need More Information?
For more specific information on cat behavior, health or training, refer to the books by best-selling author Pam Johnson-Bennett. Pam’s books are available at book stores and online. We’ve included links to Amazon here on our website.
Wishing you and your cats a very Happy Thanksgiving!
BUY PAM’S BOOKSIf you have a question regarding your cat’s health, please contact your veterinarian. This article is not intended as a replacement for your cat’s veterinary care.