It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to quickly figure out that going to the veterinary clinic is not high on a cat’s list of favorite places to visit. If you look at it from your cat’s perspective, it certainly makes sense. Without any warning, the cat is shoved into a carrier, put in a car and whisked off to a place that smells, looks, and sounds scary. Then, once in the exam room, the cat is removed from the carrier, placed on an exam table and then poked and prodded. It makes perfect sense for a cat to fight with all her might to make sure to never go back there.
Since it certainly isn’t a good idea to avoid taking your cat to the veterinarian, you need to have a plan. If your current plan consists of chasing the cat through the house, cornering her and then battling to shove her in the carrier without ending up as if you were the victim of a furry slasher, then it’s time to come up with Plan B because Plan A is stressful, dangerous, and totally counter-productive.
Here is my list of DOs and DON’Ts:
Do look for a veterinary clinic that is feline-friendly. Look for clinics that have separate waiting areas for cats and have a separate feline-only exam room. There are even cat-exclusive veterinary clinics. Look for Fear-Free Certified clinics or certified Cat Friendly Practices.
Don’t choose a particular veterinary clinic based on convenience. Tour the clinic and meet the veterinarian(s) beforehand to make sure you’re comfortable that this is the right place for your cat.
Do pay attention to how the veterinarian treats your cat. Does the veterinarian take time to greet the cat and try to get her comfortable? Is restraint used immediately or is a less-stressful technique used? Does the veterinarian communicate clearly to you?
Don’t just take the carrier out when it’s time to go to the veterinary clinic. This is sure to cause panic in your cat as she learns to associate its appearance with something unpleasant. Leave the carrier out all the time so it becomes a neutral object in the environment.
Do train your cat to adjust to the carrier. Offer treats and feed your cat near the carrier and then eventually inside the carrier so she associates it with positive experiences. Work up to being able to close the door, pick up the carrier, and walk around the room.
Don’t try to grab your cat at the last minute before leaving the house for the veterinary appointment. This is how the experience ends up being very stressful with the cat ending up getting dragged out from under the bed and forced into the carrier. Plan ahead so you can do this in a relaxed way and so you don’t have to keep a large supply of bandages in the medicine cabinet.
Do take the time to desensitize your cat to car travel. Put the cat in the carrier and then place the carrier in the car for a few minutes. In subsequent sessions work up to starting the engine and then take short drives around the block. To help a cat relax during car travel, the trip shouldn’t always end at the veterinary clinic.
Don’t forego your cat’s medical care just because of how she may react at the clinic. Routine veterinarian exams are crucial to your cat’s health.
Do periodic visits to the clinic just to get your cat comfortable with being in the environment. Quick visits, where the cat gets greeted or petted by a staff member may help reduce fear during future visits. This is especially beneficial if you’re training a kitten.
Don’t schedule your appointment for the busiest time. Unless it’s urgent, don’t make a Saturday appointment.
Do bring a towel to cover the carrier so your cat won’t feel so exposed. Lightly spray the towel with Feliway and place over the carrier during the ride to the clinic so your cat isn’t so disoriented by the fast-moving scenery out the window. The towel over the carrier will also help once in the clinic waiting room for your cat to feel just a little bit hidden.
Don’t allow other people or dogs to come up to the carrier. Politely inform approaching children that your cat is nervous and needs space.
Do bring treats to the appointment to help calm and distract your cat. Fear-Free clinics are prepared with treats and other cat-friendly objects to help reduce your cat’s stress.
Don’t pull or shake the cat out of the carrier. Open the door and give the cat the option to explore and venture out without being yanked out.
Do give the cat the option of remaining in the carrier for as much of the exam as possible. If you use a kennel-type carrier, you can remove the top and allow the cat to remain in the bottom half. Much, if not all of the exam can be performed with the cat remaining in the bottom half of the carrier.
Don’t yell at the cat or scold her for hissing, growling or even scratching. If your cat is reacting negatively it’s because she’s very frightened. Punishing your cat will only heighten the fear.
Do as much advance preparation as possible and write down any questions or concerns you have about your cat’s health problem or behavior. You may even want to take some video on your phone to show the veterinarian if that’s the most efficient way to demonstrate a particular behavior or issue.

Photo: Adrianna Calvo for Pexels
Don’t expect your cat to be immediately social upon your return home. She may need time to groom and get comfortable in the environment again. Clean the carrier to remove the smell of the veterinary clinic and toss any towels in the laundry.
Do give your cat time alone in a separate room before reintroducing if you have a multicat home. Scent is a major form of communication between cats and it’s normal for the cats who remained at home to feel threatened by the vet clinic scents on their feline companion. non-recognition aggression is a very common and extremely serious issue. Prevent it by letting the returning cat remain in a separate room for a while so she can groom and take on the scents of the home.
Want More Information?
Your cat needs good veterinary care throughout life. Its important for cats to have yearly exams and for senior cats to have twice-yearly exams. In addition to the routine wellness exams, it’s also crucial to have your cat receive veterinary care at the first sign of a potential medical problem. You might not ever be able to completely reduce the stress a cat may feel during the veterinary visit or even during the trip to the clinic (does anyone love going to the doctor?), but you can reduce some of that fear. If you have a kitten, now is the perfect time to start training in order to have an adult cat who is easier to transport to the clinic and easier to handle once there.
Here’s a video from the American Association of Feline Practitioners to help educate the veterinary staff on being flexible during cat exams. The information is very beneficial to cat parents as well.
Here’s a video explaining Fear-Free
Need More Information?
For more information on cat behavior and training, refer to the books by Pam Johnson-Bennett. Pam’s books are available at bookstores and online. We’ve included links to Amazon here on our website.
If you have a question about your cat’s behavior or health, contact your veterinarian. This article is not intended as a medical diagnosis nor is it a replacement for your cat’s regular veterinary care. This article is for general information purposes only.