Listen to the audio version of this article I’m getting more and more calls from cat parents who are confused about why they’re getting bitten when petting their cats. Things start out just fine and then suddenly, without warning, the cat turns around and lashes out with teeth or claws. In many cases, the ...
Read More »Hyperthyroidism in Cats
What is the Thyroid Gland? The thyroid gland, which is located in the neck, is responsible for regulation of metabolism. The thyroid affects almost every organ in the body. Hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism is a high amount of thyroid hormone in the blood. This generally occurs in middle-aged and older cats, and typically appears at around 10-13 years ...
Read More »Multicat Households: Keeping the Peace
The key to keeping peace in a multicat household is to make sure there are enough resources and space for everyone. That doesn’t mean you have to move out of your current home and into a mansion, but it does mean there might need to be some tweaking done to the current environment. If each ...
Read More »Hyperesthesia Syndrome in Cats
This is also referred to as rolling skin disease, and in fact, the skin does ripple and twitch. It’s a condition that typically affects younger cats. The cause of hyperesthesia syndrome is unknown but some experts describe it as a neurotransmitter malfunction in the brain during periods of anxiety. It’s also believed by some to ...
Read More »Stress in Cats
Stress. It’s something most of us deal with on a regular basis. Whether it’s work-related, due to health issues, family problems, or because of financial concerns, there are so many opportunities for stress to set up camp in our lives. When you think of what indoor cats go through during the day do you ever ...
Read More »How to Introduce a Second Cat
Cats, despite what you may have been told, aren’t solitary creatures and many of them benefit from having feline companions. That said, cats are also territorial so the introduction process requires some finesse and patience. If you just toss the cats together with a they’ll work it out themselves mentality, you will put a tremendous ...
Read More »Aggression Between Cats After a Veterinary Visit
There’s a type of aggression that occurs between cats in the same household after a veterinary visit that can be easily prevented with a little planning. This is the kind of non-recognition aggression you may see when one cat comes home from the veterinary clinic and is either hissed at or actually attacked. For ...
Read More »What to do When the Cat Hates Your New Spouse
Listen to the audio version of this article Whether it’s a new boyfriend, girlfriend or a new spouse, life in that rose-covered cottage can quickly turn into Nightmare on Elm Street if the cat appears to hate the love of your life. Beginning a new relationship is stressful enough without the cat coming into ...
Read More »Understanding Cat Aggression
When it comes to having an actual physical altercation, cats do everything they can to try to avoid it. The cat who feels backed in a corner with no other option is the one who will engage in a tooth and nail battle. In general, a cat’s first choice is to either take the ...
Read More »Why Cats Spray
Even though you may not be able to see it, if your cat sprays in your home you can definitely smell it. The unmistakable odor indicates all is not peaceful in your cat’s universe. When a cat sprays, it can put everyone in crisis mode and it can put the cat at risk of being relinquished to ...
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